Tuesday, February 10

Test 1

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity prosperity would not be so welcome." Anne Bradstreet

Well, adversity seems to be the challenge set before me. No matter what I do I am unable to pop up over the wall of tests. This test was not horrible, nor was it great. I wish I knew what I could do differently but I will spend the next few weeks preparing for our March 2nd exam and in the meantime pray that I can find that one key that is missing.

For me it is not a matter of if I graduate but how I will get there. I can look at the problem and let it overwhelm me, or I can look for the solution and on Aug 27th when I walk across that stage I can do so knowing that I will be a great nurse. Grades are not a reflection of my knowledge or bedside manner and for that I take comfort. For many that seems contrary to normal education...but I have all but concluded that nursing school is not a normal education. You work 10x harder just to get a passing grade. If I were putting in this same effort in any other program it would not be a question of passing. People have all kinds of advice for me...but most often it is just study must not be studying enough. That use to bother me as I studied 30-40 hours a week. But now I realize that nursing school is another ball game and when I listen to other nurses talk about school they fought the same battle and they tell me over and over that C's are like A's in school.