Friday, November 7

Test 3!!!!

Well, At last we have our midterm test! This is the 3rd of 6 test. However the rest are very close togethor. One is 3 weeks away (with thanksgiving in between) and the next is 2 weeks away. Then we will have one week to prepare for our comprehensive final! The next few weeks are going to fly.

This test material is tough! Even more so I have hit a wall on studying. I feel as though my brain has no more room! I know it is not true but some how I have to find a way through this fog to prepare for this test that is monday! I could use all the prayers I can get for this test and the upcoming weeks as it is going to be tough.

Today in clinicals I got to give meds to my patient for the first time. This included 2 shots. Also, I find that the nurses and my clinical instructor are coming to me to do a lot of stuff. It is kind of nice. My patient this week spoke only arabic and was confused so trying to speak even through the translator phone was not always easy. However, by today we found a way through it and she really grew on me. I have really come to enjoy my clinical time and am looking forward to next semester when it is 3 days a week.

Well, enough of the procrastination and back to work. Thanks for all of your encouragement!