Monday, September 1

Photos from my trip to Oregon

Tryon Creek State Park in the heart of Portland, Oregon. This is a beautifully wooded park with lots of trails and fun stuff to see.

My friends kids from our hike at Tryon creek park.

My friends from the running group I headed up at Portland Running Co. I had a chance to go run with them again and then 6 of us went out to dinner afterwards.

Portland at night. Oh I do miss the beauty of this place and having the mountains all around. I miss being just an hour away from the beach and an hour away from the mountains.

My friends Larry and Nancy. We went to dinner in downtown Portland and then walked the waterfront. There was the Louis Palau Evangelistic event going on at the water front. On the other side of the waterfront we got to see the Hood to Coast relay runners make there way from Mt. Hood to the Coast. It is a 30 some hour event. You have 10 runners and each runs 3 legs. They run through the night and end on the beach for a big party. I'll run a marathon before doing that. It isn't the distance it is the 3 different legs and sitting in a van in between as well as the lack of sleep.

This guy was carrying a boa constrictor through the crowd of 50-100000 people before the police kicked him out. Is he crazy? The thing hasn't eaten in 5 months, I don't want to find out when it becomes hungry again.