Tuesday, April 14

3 day weekend!

This past weekend was a refreshing and much needed 3 day weekend. Because of Good Friday we had the day off. I enjoyed a day of sleeping in, going for a run, and then studying at the library for 5 or 6 hours.

On Good friday I went to church for our evening service and it was refreshing. We sang worship songs and then between songs they had a different leader in the church come and give a short devotional on the sacrifice of Christ. I took notes and when I get a chance I really want to share it with you. Good Friday is always such a reminder to me of the sacrifice that Christ made for us so that we don't have to pay the price for our sins.

After service I decided to reward myself and go out with a bunch of the young people to the Nutley Diner. And yes it is a Diner. Here on the east coast diners are every where and they serve really good food. It was such a blessing to talk with people and not think about school even if only for a few hours.

Our Easter Sunday Service was a testimony to the power of Christ and that death could not hold Him down. If I remembered daily, the power of Christ, my worries would not be a concern. If he can overcome death, He can help me overcome anything. And the amazing thing is, that as God He is not so big and mighty that He doesn't care. He does and how great is that.

Sunday Evening I had my niece over for a slumber party/dance party. She loves to dance. We had the music cranking and she just rocked away. Going to sleep was quite the experience. She slept in my bed...a queen size bed mind you. Between her and my dog I was sandwiched in. She moves around so much that she was using me as a pillow or a punching bag depending on her position.

I am looking forward to another sleep over when have my 5 day break between semesters...though this time one of us is sleeping on the couch :-)