Thursday, April 2

Bitter Sweet!

I spent more than 14 hours this last weekend at the library studying for an exam that I had already put hours and hours into studying for. I woke up Monday sick and nervous for this test. I have never enjoyed taking exams nor been particularly good, but never so nervous over them like nursing school makes you. Even previous straight A students say the same thing.

When I took the exam I was surprised. Material wise it was much much easier than I expected. But the problem was the wording of the test. The grammar was worthless, and some of the options for answers were not great. When I got finished I really had no idea how to feel. All I know was I was sick until Wednesday, I can't say it wasn't the flu but it felt like it...more likely though it was the stress. It just wears on you after a while. You can only go so much, study so much, absorb so much and I feel like I am at my limit.

Well, I got the test back, and it was a 78%. Yeah, right! Well, I should be ecstatic but I felt like I blew my shot at an awesome grade on a fairly easy exam, material wise. But when we went over the test, it was ridiculous. Things that were directly in the book were said to be wrong. When you showed them the book, they made some excuse for why it didn't work. The reality was they were not going to budge, and they weren't going to give points away. A minimum of 3 questions, with my answers being from the book were not given to me which was the difference between an 85 and a 78. I am happy I have a good grade but I am frustrated by the politics of nursing school, and the lack of real educators, who understand teaching and how to run a program. I am not the only one fighting this problem, it is just seen as the "way" nursing school is. Ugg, I don't like it, but not much I can do right now but keep fighting to keep afloat and become a good nurse.

5 1/2 more weeks and 3 more exams left! Just got to keep moving forward!


The Elliotts said...

Hey Sara Jane! It's Megan, writing from my new blog (and Josh's too!) I'm just letting everyone know so they can change their URL's for my blog. Have a great weekend!