Saturday, April 11

Crazy days!!!!

5 weeks left, but who is counting? 3 Exams left and nearly 70% of my grade is yet to be determined. No stress right? I wish! As the weather is fighting to change from winter into spring here in NJ, I am fighting to make it through this semester. Once I make it through this semester it is only a whopping 11 weeks of school left and most who have taken this program say a more relaxed semester.

On April 20th I will have my 4th exam then 3 weeks later I will have my 5th exam and then I have a whole 3 days to study for our final which is worth 40% of our grade. I am enjoying the material but my brain is tired. I will have a few days in between semesters and I feel like I could sleep the ENTIRE time.

A few changes are occurring which I hope will lighten up my load a bit. As I mentioned earlier, they changed the schedule policy at work, which has affected my schedule. So, I made a decision to take the last 4 weeks off of work in order to focus on these final 3 exams. We started with 29 students, are down to 23 and currently more than ½ the class is in a failing position. Thank God I am not one of them though I don’t have much room for error with my 72%. These last 3 exams are tough because they are very random in their topics, which make for tough studying.

Once summer session comes I intend to go back to work but only work every other weekend. Because they are cramming 15 weeks into 10 or 11 weeks the days will be longer which will make it nearly impossible to maintain the schedule I have been working. God has graciously provided for me to do this and I am so grateful for it because I don’t think I could have kept up with the schedule I was working.

Please pray for focus, energy to keep going, and that I would be able to do as well or better as I have been doing on tests.

“I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!”

Praise God He does not give me more than I can handle! Though I feel overwhelmed sometimes, His grace is more than sufficient to get me through!